Friday, February 23, 2007

OzZi In UL

I decided to pass by my old college and pick up my diploma (yep it's been 5 years and I didn't bring it), I thought it wasn't important and it's only a decorative tool for the wall, turns out it is important.
Of course, the people were gone home by then, so I will have to go again, but I went for a walk to places where we used to hang out... with every step, a memory. I was happy to be there... Finally I remember I am one of those crazy people who write their names everywhere and draw stuff... I searched till I found this.

Oh for the record, my nickname is Ozzi since 8 years or so.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Someone said she loves her job :|

I thought I would never hear this, but apparently, some people are happy... at their job!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Children of men and Arabic writings

I wanted to talk about this 2 weeks ago when I saw the movie "Children of men", a good movie, makes you think and get depressed a bit. Anyway in the movie, there is graffitis and writings on walls of this weird city, talking about Al-Intifada, and they had it written in Arabic, however, what's disapointing is they did not even bother to get someone who knows how to write arabic, and not just match Latin alphabet with Arabic ones.

They wrote it like this: انتفادا

Ma heik?

Monday, February 05, 2007