Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Go with the flow, Go not with the flow

You know how a lot of times we hear people telling us to just go with the flow. However this is complete absurdity and dream-killing. What if the right path for you is not the flow, what if you are bound to stay alert and when you just see the beginning of the path you have to wave goodbye to the flow and just be where it is right for you to go.


  1. Would that be another flow? like some sort of an intersection in the flow?

  2. Berhabssi yez berhabssi no...I donti know exakteli :)))

  3. Lili,

    stop the signs and talk in bold words! meen ze3jik ta nsaffi?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. lol krys!

    M(x9), hehe no inno in general, go with the flow... go with the flow meen, sometimes it's just wrong for you... AM pretty sure amazing people like einstein, mozart, che guevara and the rest did not go with the flow!

  6. It takes gutts not to go with the flow, very few dare to do it, and when they do, they're considered mad, ignorant, weird, retarded...
    Dad compares people to "les moutons de Panurge" maybe he's right.

    Look at what we wear, where we hang out, our hobbies and activities, etc. kello going with the flow. Who said washed jeans is good on everyone, and big ass sun glasses or goaties attractive on all faces? :) Aw masalan what's wrong with partying in Zouk Mikael instead of Jemmayzeh and Monot? :)

    Lilo ma3ik 7a2, the people you mentioned broke off the flow, this is why they are legends.

  7. :D Those who risk, win. as the british say.
