Thursday, May 03, 2007

Craziness symptoms

When you hear church bells at 11pm on a Thursday night when there are no holidays or mass going on, does it mean you're losing your mind?


  1. Only one valid explanation: l abouna mrawbass w dahar yde2 l jarass :)))

  2. aw enteh mrawbssa bi 3ersik next year w ma 3am tesma3eh ella da22 jrass laylan naharan LOL oh wait, that would me not you LOL bass nshalla ykoun sayir ma3ik metel ma sayir ma3eh, why not ;)

    you too Krys, w bala hal gharam el etouleh bel fsatin dakhil ejraykeh lol

  3. shou osset el troubous ma3koun? :P baleha ya khayete, khallina 3al jnoun w bala el 3eress a7san hehe

  4. Ok bi amrik ana. El jnoun mni7, bi nesebneh el jnoun. Ana majnouneh gharam hal iyyem LOL w 3al fekra, ba3edneh majnouneh bi Tom & Jerry kamen men iyyem el toufouleh.

    Tayib fahhmina, shou toli3 sabab el jnoun? 3refteh walla ba3ed? 7ada darabik 3a rassik w laffik bi shreet christmas lights?

    3ala fekra hal "word verification" shi bi JANNIN kamen.... cflsfjzx... tbputtk... $#%@^$&#@!!! LOL

  5. or someone must have died! Sorry am in a very bad mood today... miss you lili, haven't been blogging lately... don't know why

  6. lol coco, i really don't know, sometimes you just dont really understand wein alla 7attik :D

    And i agree concerning the word verification #&@*#&@

    mmm(x3), shou lei gloomy?
