Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Music

It doesn't feel like an October Sunday unless you have the flu, taking vitamin C, hearing ugly music coming from the neighbors' stereo, and then you overriding their music with Nina Simone's... not just any performance.



  1. ha ! a lebanese and a fan for nina simone .. that is rare :D

    -- wide grin !

    * me loads the nina simone collection *

  2. let me push my luck :
    ani franco as well ?

  3. nop not familiar with her, but can check her out, an specific song I can start with?

    (you had to push your luck! lol)

  4. it was gonna be the greatest coincidence and a rarity among lebanese... so yes i had to push my luck
    for example i dare you to find someone who listens to little richard ( not just a song or 2 )

    teb.. norah jones ? ?
