Thursday, May 21, 2009

Coldplay... akh

I just got back from a Coldplay concert, mainly songs from their newest album Life in technicolor, and some old great songs, and while I was there I wished I had a lot of money so I can bring them to Lebanon so every fan in Lebanon can get to feel this much happiness and bliss as I did tonight. Music is indeed some grand and Chris Martin / Coldplay know how to give an amazing show! Viva la vida indeed!

We did a mexican wave but with cellphones! Now that's funny!

p.s. Chris Martin is hilarious, he made us laugh on several occasion, and he can improvise while singing :D iyyey


  1. and you finally made it! :)

  2. ana ba8ked 3alekiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


    I just watched one of their concerts two days ago. He's such a great one in improvising! in one of the songs one of the guitar chords was cut, and u don't imagine how people laughed and what he did and his comment! there was Richard ashkroft with them too in that concert, an old one from 2006 in Toronto.

    I just love him and them and i'm envying you!

  3. ohhhh... :( you poor thing.
